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"The Dreamer is trapped. The world of the Dreamscape is a confusing space of beauty and ugliness. There is danger here for the Dreamer. The Nightmare lurks about, searching for a Dreamer to consume. Should the Dreamer be consumed, the Nightmare will possess their body and awaken while the Dreamer is forever trapped in the Dreamscape. Dreamer becomes Nightmare. Nightmare becomes Dreamer. A vicious cycle of imprisonment and endless limbo."


Two players take part in the gameplay of Dreamscape, one as the Nightmare and one as the Dreamer. There are three levels of dreams the Dreamer must journey through in order to finally wake up and win the game. However, the Nightmare's purpose is to catch the Dreamer and in turn switch spots with the other player, thus becoming the Dreamer. As their roles switch, the once-Dreamer is now the imprisoned Nightmare, while the Nightmare-changed-Dreamer is now free to awaken and be set free into the world.

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